Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Body Takeover

AA Hardrock (Jada) is finally getting a body.  She was next to receive one.  I anxiously awaited the Made-To-Move doll in the orange top to come out, because I felt that it would be a great match for her skintone.   I am just getting around to rebodying her.  I found a second MTM (orange top) at Walmart for $11 yesterday so I knew that it was time.  For those of you wanting to know, it is a "perfect" match.  I knew that there was going to be drama with Jada because I made her wait so long while the dolls with a darker hue than hers received their bodies instantaneously.  I was able to find the MTM AA at Walmart for like $3.00 so I bought all that they had.  I had to pay full price for orange top.

Disclaimer:  this is not meant to be received as a form of violence.  It is for fun only.  

Presenting the first rebody for 2017...

Jada:  We can do this the easy way or the hard way.  You choose.


Jada decides to rip open the box.

Jada:  Girl, don't make me Judo Chop you!
Soon to be bodyless doll:  I am not afraid to you!  I work out all day.

Jada:  It is mine.  Stop resisting.  Bye Felicia!

Jada:  She made me do it.  I have never had a fight in my life.

Jada:  Classy dolls don't fight....unless a body takeover is involved.

Jada:  Too bad she let this cute face fool her.

~First rebody for 2017~

*     *     *     *     *     *      *     *     *     *     *

Last doll related purchase in 2016
I finally found him at Target for $9.99.  The purse
keychain was on clearance for $3.98.

First doll related purchase in 2017
The sweater was $0.99 at Walgreens.  The doll
was $11 at Walmart and the fashions were $5 at Walmart as well.

I really like the dresses.  

~Be blessed~


  1. Jada looks good on her new body.

    1. Thanks Mustiwait! I like her so much better this way.
      By the way, I miss your blog post.

  2. Nice swap. I imagine she will be posing all over the place now!

  3. For never having a fight in her life, she took care of business! Great buys!

    1. Thanks Muff! I plan to go on no doll shopping in February.

  4. Jada had me cracking up. She was not playing.

    1. Lol! Jada was serious about that body. She has waited SO long! Lol!

  5. Yay for Jada and her new body. I need to get some extra MTM Barbies (note to self). Congrats on Hip Hoodie, the shoulder bags, and other first purchases of 2017!


    1. Thanks Debbie! Yes, Jada was not taking no for an answer. She had waited so long for that body. Lol!

      I was super excited to Hip Hoodie. He is so handsome! Great job Mattel! Now we need some articulation!

  6. Hey Georgia Girl! Jada is fierce! And She had to do what she had to do - to be free! You had so great deals - wonderful way to kick off 2017!

    1. Thank you DeMari!! Jada is not one to be reckon with, especially after waiting so long on a body donor. Lol!

  7. Hello Georgia Girl!
    I'm glad that you found a great skin match for your lady. I want to get MTM orange top to rebody the Fashionista with the ice cream romper, as I heard she's a great match.


  8. Hi monstercrafts! I was super excited to find a body match as well! Thanks for letting know that orange top is a good match ice cream romper. She is also one that I plan to rebody. I was trying to take care of the older divas first. Lol!

  9. Drama! That's what I'm talking bout.


    1. Hi totsymae1011. Thanks for stopping by. I am going to go check out your website.

  10. Jada is fierce! Great to see her on a poseable body. Can she still fit that stunning sequin dress? Looks great on her.

    1. Hi D7ana! I don't know how I missed your post. No, the dress does not fit the MTM bodies unfortunately. It was made for model muse. Oh, well... Lol!

    2. I miss comments sometimes, too. Fun though when I see them ;-D

      Darn! (About the pink sequin dress not fitting MTM bodies.) Still Jada has pose-ability now so she'll rock other pink fashions. Yay, Jada!

  11. YASS! She looks incredible! I need to find that yellow shirt M2M!

    1. Hi Valsays! I somehow missed this post as well. I have not seen them in a long while. I wish that I had gotten more.

  12. Wow, I know I follow you (I double checked), but I did not see this post! It is quite funny! Jada was definitely determined to have that body!

  13. Jada looked very beautiful in her new body. I would love to buy this doll one day, gorgeous dresses too.


    1. Hi Leticia, thanks for stopping by. She is quite lovely! I purchased her on secondary market because I had to have her.

  14. Smh Jada I'll just say you look great and bypass any suspicions of you being a regular brawler at bars.

    1. Hi Val! Jada is not one to be reckon with. Lol!!

  15. hey there i came across your site from a comment you left on a blog called desperately seeking dolls i was wondering if you still have this doll subject i color infusion tropicalia convention 2012 id like to buy her feel free to contact me at barbiesupremacist@gmail.com


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